Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Rise & Fall...

1st, I would like to thank everyone who commented in the last post. All input was very useful. I've updated the music-player with a few beats, I'll throw some more up this weekend. Download the SoultapeLvLZer0 to your right if you haven't already.

"SoultapeLvL3: The Burning Ace" will be my last beat-tape which I will release sometime during the summer. Reasons why are mainly I want to focus on giving my best to the artists I've been lucky to work with rather than just throwing out beats for any or everyone to use. And I often fear people not giving me the proper credit. I work hard on my music....someone claiming it as there work just breaks my heart thinking about it. Also, if all goes well with my plan for a release this month...there really won't be a need for me to just put out beat-tapes....but the sound of "Soultapes" will continue in my vocal-projects.

"Code 4:20" vocal-rap project...title subject to change as the project progresses. But as the current title hints, it will be a smoker-based-project...w/ soul of course. If this goes the way I want it to go, the "Soultape" series will pick up from here. So as I said, the title may change.
I'm aiming for 10-12 tracks, completely produced by me. Most of the production is complete, it's the recording I have to knock out. The thing that is messing with me is that I could possible lose the little sanity I have left while writing and recording. What most people don't find out about me is that, it's not that I cannot write, rhyme or rap. It's that I don't normally take it upon myself to focus on it. Making beats relaxes me. I get lost in the music rather then visiting thoughts that are in my head. The "visiting thoughts in my head" part is what I fear. I have a lot of hidden anger and issues stored. And writing makes it all come back.

A few months ago Precyse and myself was toying with the idea of doing a project together with both of us flowing over a hand-picked selection of Fat Jon beats. We recorded two songs, the 1st was ok. Then the 2nd one....I blacked. That's the side that worries me. I lost my composure within seconds. I became very angry. That dark side has gotten me into a lot of trouble and I've hurt a few people who I intended no harm in my past. Granted, I was in pain while recording and I feel that's what might have made me enter that vibe but before the pain was as bad as it is at my current age, back in my teens I wasn't in as much pain or as often but I would find myself in that dark vibe. I've worked hard to not go that route anymore, but that fucker finds ways to drag me back in. In the past, people in general made me that way.....the physical pain of today is like a broken temper switch that cuts on with or without the help of people. ::Sighs:: ....but anyway. I'm always getting the push to do this project from associates, artists that I work with, family/true friends, old friends that have heard me flow from my teenage years....even my mother. So I'm going to try it. But...........
...don't say I didn't warn you.


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